
Some Helpful Active Living Resources Related to COVID-19

Active living for people with a disability is extremely important. Not only does it have health benefits, it reduces isolation, improves mental health, promotes social inclusion and reduces the chance of acquiring a secondary disabling condition. As the country moves slowly into recovery from the coronavirus, we thought we would reach out to you with some resources to help facilitate access and inclusion.

Move It!

At the best of times, it’s hard for adults to achieve the recommended 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week, based on the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines. Covid-19 is making it harder. And then there is the recommended 60 minutes of energetic play for kids per day... oy! So, what can you do to keep active?

Keeping Active at Home: Tricky but Not Impossible

Hi out there. Chances are good that you are at home reading this blog - self-isolating due to the COVID virus. For now, things are remarkably different from what they were even a few weeks ago. There is uncertainty in many aspects of our life. But what the science tells us, and what we all know in our heart, is that keeping active is really good for us – mentally, physically and spiritually. It’s a bit tricky in our home, but not impossible.