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Recreation and Parks Association of Nunavut

Vision, Mission and Membership

Recreation and Parks Association of Nunavut (RPAN) envisions the Association “to be the leader and voice for promoting healthy and active communities in Nunavut”. RPAN’s mission is to “enhance the health and wellness of all Nunavummiut through advocating physical activity, sport and recreation opportunities in Nunavut”. RPAN has 39 members, which are made up of 20 of 24 municipalities, seven Territorial Sport Organizations, and seven District Education Authorities.

How RPAN is Supporting Inclusion and Access for Persons with Disabilities

RPAN’s programs (e.g., summer day camps, multi-sport camps, after-school programs) include staff training to ensure an inclusive environment is created for all children and youth. Through the current training and resources provided by RPAN, camp staff members are taught activities and games that highlight inclusion. Recreation staff are instructed on how to adapt games based on disability type, and different training techniques are adopted within the training to show staff how equipment can be modified based on an individual’s functioning and abilities.

Community Spotlight: Rankin Rock

Rankin Inlet has a strong hockey program called Rankin Rock. Their Pee Wee age group is currently identified as an inclusive team, with one team member identifying with an intellectual disability. Recently, the team attended a major tournament, where this individual was made honorary captain. The Pee Wee Rankin Inlet Hockey Team highlights the need for inclusion within programming, where all children are encouraged to play. The team moved past the typically competitive nature of hockey, and the result was a new opportunity for inclusion.