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Actions Speak Louder than Words

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Do you know what your body language is saying to people?

It is generally accepted that 60% of all human communication is non-verbal body language. A further 30% is in your tone of voice. Everyone can read the expressions and micro expressions in your body, face and tone.

Take time to be aware of your own body language. Making eye contact is crucial, look up from the computer even if you are checking something on it. Crossed arms come over as defensive, be open with your body as well as your mind!

We all monitor each other’s emotional states and know the signs of discomfort:

  • Rubbing necks or faces.
  • Blocking, with objects, hands, turning away.
  • Facial expressions.
  • Distractions, looking away, flipping, through paperwork, acting impatiently.

People with disabilities experience negative and often unconscious body language all the time. But you can change that with one smile.

Positive body language

Positive body language is universal and is read as a reliable indicator of people’s true feelings.

And it’s easy!

  • Relaxed body and posture.
  • Good eye contact.
  • Nodding in agreement.
  • Taking notes.
  • Smiling and adding humour.
  • Moderation is the rule, over exaggerated gestures are also easily read as negative!

Language is more recent technology. Your body language, your eyes, your energy will come through before you even start speaking.

This infographic was created by Recreation Integration Victoria through funding provided by the Victoria Foundation. The Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability is grateful for the permission to share this information.