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A Road Map to Inclusion

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A Road Map to Inclusion


Historically attitudes towards disability have been negative. Question this! Be welcoming and willing. Change habits, routines and assumptions.


Ask wheelchair users to audit your facility. Check signage and communications. A culture of respect is part of access.


Make your intentions clear. Ditto your commitment! Use different formats (large fonts, Braille, etc.). Language matters!


Ask how people would like to participate. Consult with community groups when unsure. Identify gaps in provision.


Are your policies inclusive? What can you do to influence this?


Adapt and modify activities. Seek out training and resources. Showcase good practice. Try something new!

You’ve arrived at ‘the impossible!’

This infographic was created by Recreation Integration Victoria through funding provided by the Victoria Foundation. The Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability is grateful for the permission to share this information.