Are you finding staying at home due to social distancing exhausting? If so, you are not alone. Lately, many newspaper articles and talk show hosts are identifying and discussing this very real phenomena.
Let’s face it. There are lots of things to figure out as we stay at home. We might feel overwhelmed by the threat of this pandemic. We might be worried about finances. We might miss going out and seeing friends and family. We might feel out of sync with time as our hours and days blur. Having more people, or no people in our living space, has its challenges. And who will get sick? One of us? Our loved ones? There is definitely a burden we are each carrying day to day, and it can take its toll.
In some cases, people have said that even the trend to “learn something new”, “try a new hobby” or “keep up your daily exercise” during this time at home can be stressful. Some people are putting all their energy into just trying to cope.
So, what is the answer?
Well, when it comes to exercise, Nike said it best: Just do it. We know that the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines recommend 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity, five times a week. And, we know the benefits are huge – your blood, bones, muscles and skin will thank you for your commitment. But, you truly need activity during this challenging time for your mental health. Physical activity reduces stress and anxiety and improves mood. If 30 minutes is an overwhelming number to you, try five minutes.
You can do five.
Chances are, if you start exercising you might keep going a bit longer. No pressure. Three 10-minute periods a day still adds up to 30 minutes a day. Focus on what feels good. Give yourself permission to stop and start as you want. Think of your active time as an investment in you. Start with five minutes and go from there. Leave your home for a while, by moving into your body… starting with five minutes a day. You’ve got this!